Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Last Dinner on the Titanic GBACG -- Oh What a Party!

The Guild has again provided and amazing opportunity to live for a few moments in another era.  It was a truly magical evening.  At 9:20 we had a moment of silence and a toast to those who departed on the ill fated voyage.

Below are photos of the completed dress on the form then on me, and a few photos of others. The sepia toned one was by a photographer provided by the event and my wonderful friend John who decided to escort me so I wouldn't have to do the event "doe" (as opposed to "stag"). The project although not quite what I had envisioned was pleasing.  Footnotes are that I need to cut down the top of the corset by at least a half inch in front but for now it will stay.  Before I put the dress away I will also need to clean the train (thank goodness it is poly given how many times it was stepped on) and finish some beading repair that I didn't have time to do. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Test Run of the Dress

GBACG Last Dinner on the Titanic Event...two days away:  I think I say this every time...only a few days before the event and I'm still sewing.  No matter how early I start, no matter how I promise myself that this will never happen again...it does.  I'm annoyed.  I'm also not particularly happy with the project.  The over-skirt is too short, the side opening which was not initially planned needs to be closed up a bit, the lower skirt is too wide and the whole skirt portion of the dress should have been more fitted.  72 hours before the party there is no fixing the big issues.

There has been considerably more hand sewing than I imagined there would be.  The beading repair has also taken me twice as long as expected.  I have a new respect for the poor girls in the sweatshops turning out couture bead work.  I also had gained so much weight this winter that the dress hardly fit.  I have back cleavage, which some corset aficionados find rather sexy....I however, do not.  I've been on a serious diet the last week to see if I can deflate a bit and get back to my pre winter-bear weight.  Here are some photos of the unfinished dress in a test run.  I chopped parts of me off because, frankly it was a bad hair, no makeup day and I just wasn't in the mood for sharing....