So I wimped out and took the bodice pieces to the blueprint shop and had them scaled up, took just a few minutes for them to do it and saved me HOURS of drafting time. So I had actual paper pattern pieces then drafted the skirt pieces by myself. I've discovered that the heavy roll of painters paper makes fantastic pattern paper! I can't really do much until the corset is done but I can get a general jist of how things are going to go. Thankfully it appears that the dress will be close to my own dress size--something that seems a bit odd since dresses of the period are usually so much smaller.
I've included a picture of the wedding dress I'm picking apart so you can see the lace, in a way it already has the silhouette of a period gown. One shot is a close of up of the netting. I think I found a the fabric for the is a light green silk taffeta that is shot with a pinkish orange...but I'm still looking. Part of the colour choice is the price at the discount fabric store. More photos to follow.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Corsets Corsets Corsets...
I think I found "the dress" to reproduce (different from my original idea of using a Laughing Moon pattern) , of course it will be different than the picture below, and will be a few years out of fashion for 1912 (the dress will be a 1910 model) but I will need the right undergarments. A fellow guild member has kindly offered to draft up her pattern in my size and I'm going to give it a go. I'm so excited. The corset will have to be done before I really start the dress but I can work on the dress mock up in the mean time. Here is the dress I want to make, the design will be completely different since I will be using the wedding dress lace but this is the shape:
This dress is from Jane Arnold's book Patterns of Fashion -2. Not sure what colour I will use, but the lace is a soft white.
Here are examples of the correct long line corset to be worn under this style. Very different from the Victorian or S-curve of the early Edwardian period:
You can see that some styles have garters to hold up stockings. Now just for eye candy, I found this dress:
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